Revenue Stamped Paper Inventory - RN Xd
Bob Hohertz

RN-X7d is the common Spanish American War imprint printed vertically on a check or draft, usually to avoid a central vignette.

The Scott Specialized does not indicate that an unused copy exists, but one does. It bears the group of star punches that indicates it is part of a group of questionable items, either copies spoiled when the imprint was applied, or special copies kept by the imprint printer for some reason.

The unused X7d.

Four other users are known to me, one only by a cut square.

In addition, there is an X7d variety which consists of an imprint printed vertically reading down at the right of the check, whereas all regular X7d's have imprints printed vertically reading up at the left. Only one copy is known to me.

The Washington, D.C. X7d. On earlier checks of the Central National Bank the imprint was horizontal, but placed high and to the right to avoid the vignette.

A Union National Bank check from the Malleable Iron Works.

If anyone has a complete check from Clinton, NJ with a vertical imprint, please notify me for inclusion in this survey. It would be a shame if this cut square is all that we have left.

Also, please report any different X7d's to me for inclusion. Thank you.

To see the X7d and X7d variety lists, go back to the RN Inventories page using the link below.

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