The Four-and-one-half-cent Prexie

For lack of a fourth-and-one-half President, the White House is pictured on the four-and-one-half- cent stamp in the Prexie series.

Sheet stamps were first issued on July 11, 1938. A total of 275,455,900 were released through 1957.

Horizontal coil stamps were not issued until January 20, 1939. 16,235,000 of these were printed until production stopped in 1955. This was the fourth lowest number printed of any of the series, behind the one-and-a-half-cent vertical coil (under 9 million), the $5 stamp (9.3 million) and the $2 stamp (13.6 million).

This stamp was used to pay multiple third class postage and multiple international printed matter rates.

It also paid third class postage plus a minimum insurance fee, and combinations of the fourth class book rate with third class material enclosed rate.
